I haven't blogged in a while, and do not have a particular topic about which to write, so tonight's post will be a smorgasbord of topics.
Number one: Tiger Woods and his wife...and this mysterious accident. I find it terribly amusing/ironic/appropriate that his wife (who probably picked up the nearest available heavy object) attacked her husband with the very instrument that led to his massive success and financial gain. Frankly, I don't blame her, especially given the information I relayed to you readers regarding my previous experience with infidelity. Sadly, they have two young children, and I feel very much for those little ones, as they are certainly the most precious collateral damage in this war. It saddens me greatly to realize that so many powerful and wealthy men get caught cheating on their wives. The evidence suggests that as many are caught, there are so many more that continue this lifestyle unscathed and without repercussion. It leads one to wonder what it worse? Knowing? Or being Ignorant?

Pictured above, Tiger and his family. Alleged Mistress, Rachel Uchitel.
Number two: Parents and parental approval. I would love to include a photograph of my family in this post, as I feel it would illustrate my writing so much better, but sadly I am not terribly technologically advanced in my computer set-up...I would rather spend my funds on attire, but I digress. I was raised by an over-achieving, scholastically, athletically, and artistically inclined father who is good at anything he does, and a street-wise, self-taught, self-raised mother. They were both disgustingly popular in high school and college, yet terribly neurotic. As I write you tonight, I am in the midst of a transition. I will write more about this as it becomes more concrete, but the point of tonight's particular post is that my mother, an extremely intelligent yet sometimes detrimentally skeptical 60-something year old woman has definite doubts about my decision making processes. What is troublesome about this, is that it truly makes me doubt myself. Although she has always been concerned and worrisome about my, and my sister's, ability to succeed in many facets of our lives, she has been consistently wrong. I am a staunch believer in the concept that how you think and the general "energy" and you emit into the universe attracts like results. That being said, I let my family influence me so much that it essentially dictates, and thus stunts my personal growth and experiences. I'm not sure why this happens and I do not really know how to control it, either. I feel like perhaps acknowledging its damaging effects is half the battle, and writing about it certainly helps, as well.
Number three: My Thanksgiving weekend. Oh my Gosh. Every Thanksgiving weekend, I consume a LOT of alcohol. I'm not sure why this particular weekend holds this characteristic for many. Perhaps the combination of family, food, additional time off, and other festivities may contribute to the phenomenon... This weekend began with going out the night before the holiday with some people I don't know too well, and also my friend Monique. Monique and I have lived in the same city for some time, and not hung out too much together, but I hope after bonding somewhat this weekend we will do more things together, as she's really a special and intelligent girl. Anyhoo, I had gotten a hair cut on Wednesday that required a lot of courage. An old school kind of Victoria Beckham meets Rihanna asymmetrical crop that somehow attracted many compliments from people??!! Also that night, I ran into a number of people I haven't seen in some time, and about four vodka sodas later, went back to Monique's to crash on the couch. I awoke to one of the guys we were with saying "Liz...LIZ....wake up!" So of course I opened my eyes, "What? Why?" He followed with "Liz, let's take a shot of Wild Turkey!" Sure enough, sitting on the counter is a half empty bottle of the disgusting potion (I can only imagine, as I've never personally tried the stuff). Needless to say, I was pissed. "Did you REALLY wake me up for that," I barked. Discouraged, he decided to go to sleep as well, choosing to share the piece of furniture I had decided to claim, instead of one of the two other empty options, much to my dismay.

Thanksgiving night was fabulous. Filled with amazing food, wine, and a pleasant 6 pm nap, the holiday fulfilled all of its stereotypes, both the pleasant, and unpleasant (i.e. digestive anguish and the like). The following day I worked, as I did not request the day off, followed by a party at a friends house who I have known for several years. I was looking forward to this party tremendously, and it had a great turnout, though I grew weary of the typical small talk that goes along with these types of social events, and left early. I ended up back at Monique's apartment, this time sleeping in the bed of her out of town room mate which made my stay far more pleasant than the previous stint. The following morning, we were to tailgate with her family before the ASU/U of A game (BEAR DOWN!) and then I would either obtain scalped tickets or watch the game from a bar. Cliffs notes of the event: I am way better at flip cup than I thought, starting to drink at 9:30 am sure makes one sleepy, and if you wait until halftime, you don't have to actually buy tickets to get into a game...walking in like you know where you are going will adequately suffice.

(above) The night before Thanksgiving, I like to call it "Thanksgiving Eve," as it sounds so festive!

At my friends party, and me trying to engage in some riveting single-serving friend social function banter.

This is us playing flip-cup. It's like tailgating "Where's Waldo." Can you find me, and my fabulous limited edition Seven jeans?!?! Paired of course with a vintage Arizona shirt, Frye boots, and topped with a fabulous UA sweatband.

Talking with the Cordova clan. Wonderful people! I look weirdly fat in this photo, but whatev...
All in All, my holiday season has been wonderful thus far. Stay tuned for more adventures from the desk of Little Lizzie!
Glad you had a fun turkey "weekend"! Look forward to hearing more from the desk of Little Lizzie!
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning me in the Thanksgiving post!